1. What is meant by Microsoft Azure and Azure diagnostic?

Answer: This is one of the most basic Azure cloud interview questions asked very often. Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing interface that is implemented by Microsoft so as to get benefited from cloud computing.

Azure diagnostics is an API based system that collects the data to diagnose the application which is constantly running. It tunes with the verbose monitoring by enabling roles of the cloud services.

2. What is meant by cloud computing?

Answer: This is a basic question that finds its mention in most of the Microsoft Azure interview questions eBook. Cloud Computing is the high-level abstraction procedure that focuses on business logic. This is a service delivered via the internet that aids you with the computing services without laying much importance on the infrastructural needs just like the electric supply.

3. What is the scalability of cloud computing?

Answer: If the above question appears as the Azure cloud interview questions your most appropriate answer will be scaling is one of the advantages that are of two types;

  • Vertical scaling, where the configuration yields to increase the existing capacity of the machine. Just like expanding the size of the RAM from 4GB to 32GB.
  • Horizontal Scaling, an aspect where the physical aspect is increased like putting multiple machines at work instead of replacing the existing machine.

4. What are the advantages of cloud computing?

Answer: There are several advantages of cloud computing which are as follows;

  • The versatility of the system can be altered if the business requires certain modification.
  • They are highly available which increases its end users to get benefited by every inch.
  • The system is capable of tolerating fault of a single part and overcomes it by remaining completely functional.
  • The service allows you to pay only when the system is in use. You can easily reallocate the system when you use them and get saved from the charge.
  • The system has brought into light the payment for the operation rather than the investment in the machines.

5. What is meant by PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS?

Answer: These are the basic terms while dealing with the cloud services and are commonly asked in an Azure interview:

  • PaaS stands for Platform as a Service that enables you to get a platform to deliver without directly giving authorization to the OS software.
  • SaaS stands for Software as a Service is devoid of platform infrastructure software that can be used without direct purchase.
  • IaaS stands for Infrastructure as a Service which enables you to get the hardware from the provider as the desired service which can be configured by the user.

cloud computing services6. Explain the different deployment model of the cloud?

Answer: When asked as the Azure cloud interview question you should answer it in the following way. There are various deployment models for the cloud;

  • Private Cloud Deployment Model is one where you own the infrastructure and the cloud provider enables you to get the service exclusively.
  • Public Cloud Deployment Model is one where you get the multi-tenant infrastructure from the service provider exclusively.
  • Hybrid Cloud Deployment Model is a set up of intermixed public and private data in which the confidential data will be served in-house and the public directed website is there to address the public.

Wondering how much an Azure Administrator can earn. Read our previous article to have a deep insight into the Azure Administrator salary.

7. What are the main functions of the Azure Cloud Service?

Answer: The main functions of the Azure Cloud Service are;

  • It is designed to host the running application and at the same time manage the background running application.
  • The application of web processing is termed as “web role” whereas the background processing is termed as the “worker role”.

8. State the purpose of the cloud configuration file?

Answer: There is a primary .csfg file available with each and every cloud service. The main purpose of this file is

  • They hold the main copy of certificates.
  • They have the storage of user-defined settings.
  • There are a number of instances in any service project.

9. Which services are used to manage the resources in Azure?

Answer: When you are asked about Azure cloud interview questions, it should be answered that the Azure resource manager is the infrastructure that is involved in managing deploys or deleting all the resources. Note that Azure resource manager is one of the top Azure services so you may get more questions on it.

10. What do you mean by roles?

Answer: This is another basic yet important question asked as the Azure Interview Questions which should be answered in the following way:

Roles in cloud management are often termed to be nothing servers that are linked to managing and balancing the platform as service machine that collaborates works to attain the goal.

11. What are the different types of roles?

Answer: There are basically three different types of roles;

  • Web Role that is used to deploy website by making use of language which is supported by the IIS platform customized to run the web application.
  • VM Role is used to schedule the window services and task. It is done by the user through customization of the machine on which the worker’s role is running.
  • Worker Role is to execute the process that runs in the background by deploying the website.

Types of Role

General Azure Interview Questions and Answers

So, you have gone through all the basic questions, now let’s take a step ahead and move to some general Azure interview questions. Interviewer generally asks these questions to check the knowledge of the candidate on various aspects.

12. What do you mean by a domain?

Answer: This is one of the common Azure Interview Questions that may be asked which should be answered as follows the interconnected and interlinked nodes that are often a measure undertaken by the organization is known as the domain. These relations are carried by only one point of the organization.

13. Explain the fault domain.

Answer: This is one of the common Azure interview questions which should be answered that it is a logical working domain in which the underlying hardware is sharing a common power source and switch network. This means that when VMs is created the Azure distributes the VM across the fault domain that limits the potential impact of hardware failure, power interruption or outages of the network.

14. Discuss Update Domain.

Answer: It is a logical group that undergoes maintenance by rebooting the system. The system automatically distributes the created VMs all across the updated domain that enables the user to run any one of the application while the Azure platform is undergoing maintenance. The update domain does not work sequentially to the manual rebooting.

15. Differentiate between the verbose and minimal monitoring.

Answer: Verbose monitoring collects metrics based on the performance that enables close analysis of data that fed during the processing of application whereas the minimal monitoring is a default configuration that makes the use of the performance counters gathered from the operating system of the host. Proceed to the more Azure cloud interview questions that are quite common.

Thinking Why should I go for an Azure certification? Here are the Top 7 Reasons to go for Microsoft Azure Certification.

16. What do you mean by a BLOB and what are their types?

Answer: BLOB is a Binary Large Object that is composed of any size and type of file. They are mainly of two types-the page and the block blob.

17. What is meant by the block blob and page BLOB?

Answer: Blob is a block that is having a specific block ID. Each block in this block BLOB comprises of the 4MB and maximum size of this BLOB limits to 200 GB. Whereas the Page blob contains pages in which data range is determined by the offsets. The maximum limit is 1TB where a single page is of the size 1TB.

18. Differentiate between the Windows Azure bus queues and Windows Azure queues?

Answer: Windows Azure queues take care of the storage infrastructure of Windows Azure. The features include the REST based Peek/Get/Put interface that enables the users to get persistent messaging in-between the services and reliability.

Bus queues are a broader aspect of the messaging infrastructure with publishing and subscribing the integrating patterns of remote web service.

19. What is meant by the DeadLetter queue?

Answer: Messages are transferred to the DeadLetter queue in the following situation;

  • When the delivery count has exceeded for a message that is on a queue.
  • When the expiry date of the message has crossed and the entire expired message is held in a queue.
  • When there is an evaluation exception set by default and the subscription is enabled with dead letter filter.

20. Explain the Window Azure platform?

Answer: It is collectively a PaaS developed by the Microsoft programmed to run a deployment vehicle and a runtime for the data center to host the cloud computing. Let’s proceed to the next general Azure Interview Questions that may be asked.

21. How is the price of the Azure subscription placed?

Answer: The prices vary in accordance with the product type. The various pricing models are;

  • The free model where our customers can avail the system exempted from the market fee.
  • The BYOL scheme where the Azure is fetched the Azure with a fee that is not encircled around the limits of market price.
  • The trial of the free software where the client gets the full version with an advanced feature for a limited period of time. With the expiration of the introductory period, you will be charged standard rates.
  • Usage Based Fee that is billed in accordance with the service that you have taken. Like if you are subscribed for the virtual image then hourly fees may be charged.
  • Monthly bills are activated if you sign a particular plan. The fee is not allocated for cancellation or mid-month unused service.

Preparing for Google Cloud Interview? Here’s Top 30 Google Cloud Interview Questions and Answers

Azure Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

If you are a cloud professional with some considerable experience on the Azure platform, you may come across some advanced Azure interview questions. So, let’s get prepared with some frequently asked Azure interview questions for experienced. 

22. What are the sizes of the Azure VM?

Answer: It is another basic question that finds its place in the series of top Microsoft Azure interview questions. The Windows Azure is destined to balance a variety of sizes. Most of the VM sizes are:

  • The extra large computer has 8*1.6 GHz of Instance size, with instance storage of 2040 GB, CPU memory of 14 GB. The I/O performance is high.
  • The large computer has 4*1.6 GHz of Instance size, with instance storage of 1000 GB, CPU memory of 7 GB. The I/O performance is high.
  • The medium computer has 2*1.6 GHz of Instance size, with instance storage of 490 GB, CPU memory of 3.5 GB. The I/O performance is high.
  • Small computer has 1.6 GHz of Instance size, with instance storage of 225 GB, CPU memory of 1.75 GB. The I/O performance is moderate.
  • The extra small computer has 1.0 GHz of Instance size of 20 GB, with instance storage of 20 GB, CPU memory of 768MB. The I/O performance is low.

Sizes in Azure VM

23. What is meant by table storage?

Answer: It is an interface that is capable of storing bulk amount of structured but non-relational data. It is a service of the NoSQL data store that takes authenticated calls from either outside or inside the Azure cloud. The table is a collaborated entity that in turn is a set of properties which is a paired up of name and value.

24. Differentiate between the repository and the powerhouse server?

Answer: Repository servers are those which are in lieu of the integrity, consistency, and uniformity whereas the powerhouse server governs the integration of different aspects of the database repository.

25. What is meant by the enterprise warehousing?

Answer: It is the phenomenon where the data is developed by the organization having access at a single point throughout the globe. The warehousing enables the server to get linked to a single point with the assistance of periodic handling.

Azure is the top second cloud player among the top three (AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud). Let’s have a comparison between three i.e. AWS vs Azure vs Google 

26. What do you mean by lookup transformation?

Answer: Lookup transformation aids to determine source qualifier. It can be active or passive lookup transformation. The process is yield to get the access the relevant information or the data.

27. What is meant by the connected lookups?

Answer: In the unconnected lookup, the input is directly taken from the transformation that takes part in the flow of data. The connected data lookup is built as both a static and dynamic cache. This can be oriented via multiple ports that can give the output. It is defined by user defined entity.

28. What is meant by the unconnected lookups?

Answer: The answer to this Microsoft Azure interview question should be that in the unconnected lookups the input is taken by the LKP operation. Nature is dynamic having a single output port. User-defined values are disregarded in the unconnected lookups.

29. What is meant by the command task?

Answer: Command task is an operational window that sets off the flow of one or multiple command shell while the system is still running.

30. What are the PowerCenter commands that can be used in Informatica?

Answer: The languages for transformation that can be provided with some basic comment signifiers that are;

  • Slashes (//)
  • Dashes (–)

If these common signifiers are absent in the line the power integration service will ignore the text.

If you want to land your dream job as an Azure Data Engineer, you must pass the DP 200 and DP 201 certification exams to achieve the Microsoft Certified Azure Data Engineer badge. It will enhance your chances of cracking the interview.

31. What is the difference between copy and shortcut?

Answer: The answer to this Microsoft Azure interview question will be copied is transferring an object from one to another folder that takes double space. There is no change that corresponds to the original object.

The shortcut is a dynamic link of the object that saves the space reflecting changes in the original object.

32. What do you mean by a service fabric in Azure?

Answer: This is one of the advanced Microsoft azure interview questions that should be answered by stating Service fabric is a middleware platform of the following generation that gives the more scalable outcome. It renders with the more managed and reliable enterprise.

33. What are the benefits of the traffic manager in Windows Azure?

Answer: Traffic manager is allocated to control the distribution of the user to deploy the cloud service. The benefit of the traffic manager constitutes;

  • It makes the application to be available worldwide through automated traffic control machinery.
  • The traffic managing service contributes to high performance by loading the page faster and convenient usage.
  • There is no lag of time to maintain or upgrade the existing system. The system keeps running in the back while the system takes time for up gradation.
  • The configuration is made easy through the Azure portal.

SQL Azure Interview Questions and Answers

If you are an Azure data engineer and going for an Azure interview, it is common to come across database-related questions i.e. SQL-based. So, let’s get prepared for that too. Just go through the following SQL Azure interview questions.

34. Discuss the different database types in SQL Azure?

Answer: This is one of the commonly asked SQL Azure interview questions that must be answered by stating that there are two major type of database in SQL Azure;

  • Web Edition – It is having a limit of 5GB SQL that is related to the relational database. The basic advantage is that they can be self-maintained, tolerant to a fault and highly available.
  • Business-based Edition – they support 50GB of T-SQL that is self-managed, tolerant to a fault and highly available. They are suited for the custom web applications or ISV application.

35. How is Azure Resource Manager beneficial over the classic services?

Answer: The benefits of the Azure Resource Manager that overshadows the benefit of the classic services are;

  • The resources need not be managed, deployed or monitored one at a time. They are chain deployment activities throughout the lifecycle without the need for individual data handling.
  • The data is also deployed at a consistent pace with the ARM service. It enables the user to use a declarative template that indicates the deployment.
  • Since the role-based control is present in the management platform that provides you with the access to the resources that leads you to control.
  • You can mark dependencies between the resources that enable you to get the correct order of deployment.
  • The resources may be tagged and organized logically so that it is convenient to follow up the billing of your company.

36. Enlist the monitoring features that are present in the SharePoint 2010?

Answer: This is one of the SQL Azure interview questions that should be answered by stating that the SharePoint 2010 is a diagnostic logging that takes into the data that are a direct indication of the state of the system. Sometimes it also specifies some timer tasks that are performed to monitor the collected information. The features include;

  • It collects the data on event log, timer service, and performance counter.
  • They are involved with data that are search usage.
  • They provide matrices that are yielding a collection of sites.

37. State the class that can be used to retrieve data?

Answer: The class that can be used to get data from more than one list is the SPSite Data Query that is able to query data that are present in more than one list all across the diverse web collections. It is featured to aggregate data without the external links and only through the SharePoint.

38. Compare the STS and SPS and state its important features?

Answer: SPS is the SharePoint Portal Service which manages the documents and has a search engine more efficient in penetrating the multiple sources of content.

STS stands for the SharePoint team management. As the name suggests they are better for the document management for a large organization and has a moderate search engine.

39. Explain MOSS?

Answer: The answer to this SQL Microsoft Azure interview question for experienced will be MOSS is abbreviated for Microsoft Office SharePoint Server that constitutes a complete version of the portal platform that yields the user to manage, share and even create the document.

40. What is the difference between a library and a list?

Answer: The library is an interface that yields one to manage and store a document that can be created using Excel, PowerPoint or Word. The list is the representation of the item in a tabulated format using column and rows. Lists are not used to make a document but can attach documents.

41. What do you mean by SAS?

Answer: This is one of the common SQL Azure interview questions that should be answered by stating that SAS is an abbreviation for Statistical analytical System which is a software suite performing analysis of multiple variables. It is in linked to the predictive analysis, data handling, advanced analytics or corporative intelligence. It produces a smooth interface that offers graphical and clicks based solution. It is user-friendly for the technical or the non-technical with advanced features.

42. State some features of SAS?

Answer: There is some interlinked feature of SAS which includes;

  • It provides the user access to manage the resources just like that of the DBMS.
  • It is leading with the leading analytical to carry out different business services and products.
  • It enables easy visualization and interpretation with the use of graphs and its breaks the complex panels into simple plots.
  • It is very efficient in delivering the business analysis which leads to manufacturing the products that can be distributed worldwide.

43. Describe the common architecture of SharePoint 2010?

Answer: There are three main architectural design of the SharePoint 2010 which includes;

  • The enterprise farm which is uncommon as it completely is dedicated to the service and aids via the automated management with the feasible isolation of data.
  • There is a single farm that is associated with multiple services whose potential advantages are management via individual service application which enables with a more complex targeting of sites to a particular application of service.
  • Lastly, the single farms employed in single service are very common and at the same time easy to deploy. The application service is simple to be allocated with fullest resource utilization and management.

44. Describe the log analytics?

Answer: This question can be asked among the SQL Azure interview questions. The operational management service of the Log Analytics provides the entire requirement that runs the particular service. It manifests automation, security, log analytics and availability at a particular dashboard. It generates Power data source that enables the user to get the visuals of the raw data. It is introduced in three different tiers of prices that include free, premium and standard. You enjoy the convenience of searching the data at a single dashboard and export the results.

Advanced Azure Interview Questions and Answers

In the series of Azure interview questions, here we bring some advanced Azure interview questions for you with the detailed answers. Preparing through these questions will prepare you to crack the tough to tough interview.

43. State what will you do in case of a drive failure?

Answer: This is one of the another Microsoft Azure interview questions for experienced that should be answered in the following manner. When there is an instance that the drive has failed the following step should be performed;

  • The first is that the drive should be not mounted enabling the object storage to function without fail.
  • The second scenario is replacing the drive in which the desired step will be remounting, formatting the drive.

44. State what should be done in case of a service failure?

Answer: In the case of the service failure the following steps need to be performed;

  • Ensure that the object s services have stopped running which will enable the object services to withstand the failure.
  • To complete the last lap of work pending you can allow the system object storage remain functional by making the machined to again get back to online. Once they are started, the online replication will instantly activate with the missing updated files.
  • If you are incapable to replace drive then do remove the drive and let the system stay not mounted.

45. Give a clear overview of API in Azure?

Answer: The Test Analytics in API is a web service that is built with the Azure learning. It is an effective tool to analyze the unstructured data like the extraction of the key phrase. It runs with the binomial scoring unit that is either 0 or 1 where 1 corresponds to a positive and 0 corresponds to a negative viewpoint. The advantage is that it does not need any assistance with designing and training which imply that the data is in the hands of directly the user. Proceed to find more Microsoft Azure interview questions for experienced.

Microsoft Azure certifications have their own recognition in the Cloud industry. Let’s find out their place among the Top 5 Cloud Certifications!

46. Explain how does a character analytics API function?

Answer: The working of the character analytics of API does not account for the characterization of words like good or bad. It uses the advanced feature through which the processing of natural language is mediated.

47. Differentiate between the PROC SUMMARY and PROC MEANS?

Answer: This is one of the stars marked questions found in the list of top Microsoft Azure interview questions and answers pdf.

PROC MEANS refers to the subgroup statist created in the persistence of the BY statement that will be involved. The data here is sorted beforehand with the assistance of BY variables.

PROC SUMMARY is the aid of statistics giving all varieties of information running simultaneously and is produced for every subgroup automatically. The information in the outlet is not created.

50. If the client gets disconnected from cache with the services state the probable cause?

Answer: If the client gets disconnected the causal factor can be distributed into two categories;

The cause on the operator side;

  • There might be a failure in the transfer of the standard cache from one node to the other.
  • While the service was processing and dispatching the cache got deployed.
  • There was a server update or an automated VM maintenance.

The fault on the client side;

  • The application of the client accidentally got redeployed.
  • The application on the client side got auto-scaling.
  • The layer of the network on the client side altered.
  • There was a transient error on the network node.
  • The bound operation took more time.
  • The upper limit of the bandwidth was reached.

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Updated Questions:

51. How do we configure load balancer and why I should have a backend pool for load balancer?

Load Balancer is a resource that helps balancing the load across mutliple servers. In order to configure a load balancer we need a frontend ip, backend pool, health probes and load balancing rules. Backend pool is the target machine that processes the end user requests, with out backend pool there is no use of load balancer. 

52. How do you trouble shoot connectivity issues between VM’s with in Azure? 

  1. Check whether NIC is misconfigured 
  2. Check whether network traffic is blocked by NSG or UDR 
  3. Check whether network traffic is blocked by VM firewall 
  4. Check whether VM app or service is listening on the port 
  5. Check whether the problem is caused by SNAT 
  6. Check whether traffic is blocked by ACLs for the classic VM 
  7. Check whether the endpoint is created for the classic VM 
  8. Try to connect to a VM network share 
  9. Check Inter-Vnet connectivity

   Troubleshooting connectivity problems between Azure VMs | Microsoft Docs

53. What are the high level requirements before establishing site to site connectivity

We need to first create a VPN gateway with site-to-site as the option

We need to create a logical resource to represent on-prem router and present it as local gateway. To establish connectivity we need to have public ip of remote router and its pre-shared key.

54. What does it mean by VM agent unable to communicate with Azure Backup? 

Possible reasons for this issue are, the Azure VM agent might be stopped, outdated, in an inconsistent state, or not installed. These states prevent the Azure Backup service from triggering snapshots or communicating with Azure Backup.

55. What is Gateway Transit option for a VNET? 

Gateway transit enables one virtual network to use the VPN gateway in the peered virtual network for cross-premises or VNet-to-VNet connectivity. To use this setting, only one of the virtual network in the peering can have a gateway configured. It is to allow peered network to reach to On-prem servers if the first VNET has a Site-to-Site VPN established already

56. What is the difference between standard SSD and premium SSD?

Premium SSD disks, perform better than Standard SSD disks, with very low latencies, high IOPS/throughput and even better consistency with provisioned disk performance, and it is the recommended disk type for all other production workloads.


57. How to deny access for one VM and allow access for one VM

By using Network security groups(NSG) or Application security group(ASG), we can define inbound rules to allow or deny access to specific vms

58. How to differentiate deployment VM and test VM’s in vm creation ?

There is no such difference option during VM creation. 

A VM can be differentiated on basis of applications where it hosts, and this only happens after VM is up and running. 

59. Is there any live stream between on prem ad to azure ad ?

AD Connect is the tool used to sync on prem ad objects to azure ad.

60. How will you do patching while migrating onprem VM?

We don’t patch any VM during migration, we can start it after migration from the      Azure portal.

61. What is Traffic manager and how it works in azure ?

Traffic manager is a global load balancer, it works based on DNS. There are 6 profiles pre-defined in TM, and based on your needs you need to choose which profile is well suited. 

62. How do you troubleshoot RDP connections to an Azure virtual machine? 

  1. Reset Remote Desktop configuration.
  2. Check Network Security Group rules / Cloud Services endpoints.
  3. Review VM console logs.
  4. Reset the NIC for the VM.
  5. Check the VM Resource Health.
  6. Reset your VM password.
  7. Restart your VM.
  8. Redeploy your VM.